I discovered this embroidery through a sewing forum I belong to and fell in love. It's a pattern called the Princess and the Pea, designed by the very talented Nicole from Follow the White Bunny.
Despite not really ever having stitched before, this was really enjoyable and I quite looked forward to stitching away in front of the tv most nights. I only knew the basics, so had to learn split stitch, French knots, lazy daisy stitch and chain stitch from the internet. They weren't as intimidating as I thought!
My wee three year old has taken a shine to it so it will hang in her 'new' bedroom, which is getting a big of an overhaul before the new baby comes along in a few months.
The end product is far from perfect, but I like it, and I enjoyed making it. Maybe even enough to stitch a few more over the next few years.

The finished product. Ignore the bumps, I shoved all the excess fabric under the hoop for the photos.

The princess and her blankets.

The middle mattresses.

The bottom layers, including the bedskirt and the pea!